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Space maker installation drawings

Here you will find a number of roof window installations including sloping & fixed elements and sloping & vertical combinations.  Decide which installation detail you wish to open and in what format and then insert into your own drawing.

  • Sloping and fixed combination into tiles
    GIL extension combination standard install into profiled tile 
    GIL extension combination standard install into plain tile 
  • Sloping and fixed combination  standard into slate
    GIL extension combination standard install into natural slate
  • Sloping and fixed combination  recessed into tile

    GIL extension combination recessed install into profiled tile
  • Sloping and fixed combination recessed into slate
    GIL extension combination recessed install into natural slate 

  • Sloping and vertical combination standard installation into tiles
    VFE combi standard installation into profiled tile 
    VFE combi standard installation into plain tile
  • Sloping and vertical combination installation into slate 
    VFE combi standard install into natural slate 
  • Sloping and vertical combination recessed  into tile
    VFE combi recessed install into profiled tile 
    VFE combi recessed install into plain tile 
  • Sloping and vertical combination recessed into slate
    VFE combi recessed install into natural slate 
  • Roof terrace installed into profiled tile
    GEL roof terrace system installed into profiled tiles

  • Roof balcony installed into profile tile
    GDL roof balcony installed into profile tile 

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